Central Baptist Church in ghent

What We Believe


Central Baptist Church is a Bible-believing Southern Baptist Church voluntarily associated with over 42,000 other churches that make up the Southern Baptist Convention. Together, through our voluntary support of the Cooperative Program, we are able to participate in missions activities throughout the United States and provide support for over 5,000 full-time international missionaries. Working with other Southern Baptists, our church is actively involved in serving our community, our state, and throughout the world


As Southern Baptists, we believe that God created all people and desires to live in relationship with them. Because every person is separated from God because of sin and unable to relate to Him, God sent His Son, Jesus, to die in order to pay the debt owed to God for the sins of the world. People receive salvation and the ability to relate personally with God through repenting of their sins and asking Jesus to be their Savior. Jesus comes into the hearts of all regenerated believers through the presence of the Holy Spirit who helps each believer to live as God commands. Believers are commanded to share their faith with others as they live their lives for the Lord. God welcomes every person who will come to Him in faith and offers His free gift of salvation to anyone who will believe in Jesus. At Central Baptist, we welcome anyone who will come to faith through Jesus our Lord.

for more info

For a complete list of our doctrinal beliefs, click here.

For further information about the Southern Baptist Convention, click here.

We are affiliated at the state level with the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia (SBCV). For more information about the SBCV, click here.

At the local level, we are associated with The Bridge Network. For more information about The Bridge Network, click here.